Cat Name Generator: Find The Perfect Name For Your Kitten
Naming your new kitten is one of the best parts of bringing them home. Whether you're after a unique, cute, rare, or feminine name, our Kitten Name Generator has something for every cat. Filter by gender and theme to find the perfect name that suits your kitten's personality. Start exploring and find the perfect name today!
Latest Scottish Fold Info & Guides
What should be in a Scottish Fold kitten starter pack?
Things you will need before you bring your kitten home: Cat Food You would be surprised how many people forget this, or leave it to the way home only to find the shop closed, or that it doesn't stock the right type of food for their kitten.…Read more
Scottish Fold buying checklist
Buying a new Scottish Fold kitten or cat is an exciting time, but it can also be quite daunting and there is plenty to think about and prepare for.When looking at Scottish Folds for sale there may be things you forget to ask during initial communicat…Read more
General care and welfare advice for Scottish Folds
Getting and owning a Scottish Fold can be great fun, and hugely rewarding. Whether you choose to share your home with a new kitten, a mature Scottish Fold or adopt, you'll be rewarded with many years of happiness and companionship.Before you commit t…Read more
Scottish Fold Buyers Guide
What should you look for when buying a Scottish Fold kitten? It's a question that we get asked a lot so we decided to put together this guide. Its a combination of general cat buying tips plus some specific to Scottish Fold owners. The t…Read more